Actively spread the word
Our story has now gained national attention through the Stuff article, published 29 January 2022. We are asking you to SHARE this article and this website link on your own social media and in-person with your networks, to bring further awareness to what’s happening.
Click here to go to the Stuff article
Our social media is active with updates about what’s happening, and how to get involved in our community. This includes regular hui over zoom to discuss the evolving situation which you are more than welcome to join and contribute to.
JOIN our Facebook page “Protect Te Wāotū” and FOLLOW our Instagram account @protecttewaotu.
Learn about Te Wāotū. Spread the word. Raise awareness. Join us in person. Write letters. Make signs. Talk to your networks. Peacefully protest. Unite with us in our grief.
Ēhara tāku toa i te toa takatahi, engari he toa takitahi.
Our strength is not made from us alone but made from many.
Support Te Wāotū with a koha
Money doesn’t solve everything, but it sure helps when you’re in legal battles!
We could not have made it this far without the amazing support of Raukawa Charitible Trust and iwi. If you would like to support us financially, please use the details below to donate. No amount is too small. Every cent helps.
All funds received are deposited into and held by Protect Te Wāotū. These donations are ringfenced for the specific purpose of Protecting Te Wāotū.
ACCOUNT NAME: Protect Te Waotu
ACCOUNT NUMBER: 38-9018-0857353-02